Bonotto's Fabrics Room is an innovative project bound to create new synergies between the Bonotto Company and fashion schools of the whole world. It's a creative, didactic lab built to provide future fashion designers with education and training.
It's a space where students can develop their own projects using some of Bonotto's finest fabrics.
The first edition of this project was presented in April 2014 in partnership with the BA and MA programs in fashion design of the IUAV University of Venice.
The stock fabrics from the previous season, along with the flawed ones, are donated to the school for free. This way, the students can see and touch the available fabrics, choose a selection and start creating their own final collection.
The Fabric Room is designed as a temporary store, which closes its doors at the end of the season, once the orders on the available lengths are over.
It's a smart way to stimulate the creative talent of the students and encourage them to experiment and develop their own vision while promoting the use of fabric scraps to reduce waste.